Jumat, 28 Juni 2019

The distence

When did we meet? Never
When did we know each other? Im not sure but I think 1 or 2 years ago.
But I feel that we are a good friend now.
You are too far away in other country and Im here.
I can accompany you do your activities and discuss everything about us, about our mindset, about daily problem etc.
It just a dream for me which I thought a lot for several days
It never happen till now,
But you said that we will meet someday.
Didnt you?
Did you know? When you said that, It so hurt me hehehe.
Cause I will be so hurting when it wont be reality.
I will do the best and study hard to learn be fluent in english.
Although Im not sure with my skills if I can raise my dream to be fluent speaking english :)
I should kill all my special feelings to you.
Im afraid it will kill me back someday if I dont kill them now,
Im afraid if I will be hurting so much again.
I dont want to be sad, stressful, and frustated because of someone anymore.
There are lots usefull things to do than b3 frustated with a relationship.
Am I wrong? Maybe not.
It was nice to know you, but I should stop my self curious about your life.
I will try to be a normal friend with you.
Stop thinking about you or if I can, I wont enter your life again :)
June, 19th 2018

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